Friday, August 29, 2008

"New" Parvo C2 strain - The sky is NOT falling

There's been a recent rash of breathless e-mail about the "new" C2 strain of Parvo, and how deadly it is, how only a few vaccines will work on it, and so on. Very scary!


The sky really isn't about to cave in:

The "new" parvo is seven years old, current vaccines work, and so long as your dog has current immunizations, and you follow proper hygene, you're in pretty good shape.

Go play fetch with your pup, or something.

Friday, August 22, 2008

No activity for a while....

The Shiloh people are at Homecoming 2008, and I'm stuck at work. Well, except when I'm not keeping up with family and such. Oh, and with Suka, too.

It occurs to me that the Shiloh puppy is going to have to wait a year or so, at least until my daughter is truly old enough to help out. Or until I hit the lottery. I guess we all know which of those is going to happen first! Especially 'since I don't even play the lottery. :p

Well, for the time being, I'm busy enough. Especially with Suka. Amazing what a dog can do to your life. ;)