Friday, August 29, 2008

"New" Parvo C2 strain - The sky is NOT falling

There's been a recent rash of breathless e-mail about the "new" C2 strain of Parvo, and how deadly it is, how only a few vaccines will work on it, and so on. Very scary!


The sky really isn't about to cave in:

The "new" parvo is seven years old, current vaccines work, and so long as your dog has current immunizations, and you follow proper hygene, you're in pretty good shape.

Go play fetch with your pup, or something.


Unknown said...

My husband has been seeing many more cases of Parvo in these past few months. Seems economy has done more damage by hitting pet owners, keeping them from vaccinating and boostering puppies, even older dogs, thus causing more cases of parvo to arise. I wish pet owners realize they are much farther ahead to get their pets vaccinated instead of paying treatment bills down the road, or worse yet, losing their pets.

MaskedMan said...

Indeed, the economy does seem to be taking a bite out of a lot of things, including pet care. People don't realize that skimping on proper immunization is penny-wise and pound-foolish. An un-immunized pet can very easily become a dead pet, but when money is tight, people seem to forget this. There was a recent article on this on, but the tone of the article was more optimistic than am I.