He's learned the basic morning and evening routines, and has come to understand his crate is his 'safe place.' He's also learning to come running to the nearest adult for support if something startles him, which happens kinda frequently, still.
Checking out the yard, and maybe gonna make a mark...
Greeting Suka. Hadn't planned on having the two of them in immediate contact this soon, but a fortuitous failure to communicate between my wife and I lead to a unexpected, but closely supervised meeting.
Quest and Suka got a long better than I'd hoped, so soon after his arrival - She doesn't play much with him, but she will indulge in a bounce or two - Sometimes.
This is NOT one of the times she's willing to play... Suka grandly ignores an offer to romp.
Sooo sad...
Rebuffed, Quest comes looking for a little comfort and reassurance.
Until I know how to predict him, a drag lead is the order of the day, every day. He's quickly come to accept the lead as a condition of being out of his crate, and doesn't seem to resent it. I've had to correct him a couple times for mouthing the lead, but he seems to have gotten the concept.
Time to run now!

Time to run now!
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