Monday, June 27, 2011

Still settling

Quest has been a very good boy... But he's very much a young, enthusiastic male. Which means a bit heedless, and a bit rambunctious, and a bit out of line at times, too. Lucky boy, he's got me, and not one, but two! resident bitches to keep him in-check! :D

Dakota plays with him wonderfully, and if Suka still is hesitant to play, she's still been caught unbending now and again, ever-so-slightly. Heck, last night, I caught her napping back-to-bask with Quest. :) He plays in a bouncy Tigger-like mode, and it's a mark of how well Dakota likes him that she hasn't handed him his head for his exuberant "Death-from-above" suicide bounces onto her head!

He's fleshing-in nicely, and the vet is very pleased with his progress. He's also started blowing coat, and it's astonishing how much undercoat a smooth-coated Shiloh has!

He's sufficiently well-mannered on-lead that I will now chance taking him out in public, though I'm still quite watchful and careful where I take him. Due to his happy-go-lucky attitude, he greets and gets-on better with random strange dogs far better than either of The Girls, which is a giant bonus for us.

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